There are a possible 14,133 morphemes in Gidzic. Here are the ones I have done so far.
In creating Gidzic words from these morphemes, only one part of the morpheme is usually used. Each morpheme is composed of two parts, the vowel sound, which is often represented by a digraph, and the consonant or consonants.
If V(V) represents any vowel sound and C(C) represents any consonant(s) then we can show the two commonest form of Gidzic words. Generally Vowels can not be next to vowels and consonants can not be next to consonants *unless* they occur that way in the morpheme. The two commonest word forms are: V(V)C(C)V(V)C(C) and C(C)V(V)C(C)V(V). The parenthesis indicate that there are not always two vowels or two consonants in a morpheme. It is perfectly acceptable to use the entire morpheme but you still must maintain the CVCVCV / VCVCVC word form. A Gidzic word can be as long as you like. Mostly however its one sentence to one Gidzic word. And REMEMBER A Gidzic word can only have ONE meaning. If you create a word that looks like a word you already have but with a different meaning, then you have to rearrange the morphemes of the newer word so it looks distinct. Have fun!
Morphemes: English to Gidzic
A person, one - ze
aback - eim
abacus - `i
able, can - ap
abandon -iob
abandonment - co
abandoned - och
about - ac
abbreviate - ued
abbreviation - dhu
abdicate - uadz
abdomen - fe
abduct - awg
abduction - hei
aberrant - ij
abeyance - lio
abhorant - olc
abide - uls
ability - ma
ablaze - emd
able-bodied - awmp
abnormal - eims
abnormality - ni
abolish - ion
abort - onc
abortion - rue
abrupt - ur
absence - sa
absent - uas
absolute - esc
absorb - awsh
abstract - eisp
abuse - ist
abusive - iot
accelerate - oth
accept - as
acceptable - uv
accepted - aw
access - yei
accessible - iz
accident - zio
accomodate - ozh
accompany - uep
accomplish - um
according to - ab
account - bua
accumulate - ec
accuracy - caw
across - am
after - asc
afternoon - zha
again - 'ua
alert to - asp
all - ast
allow - at
almost - at
alphabet - tse
already - ath
also, too - atz
although - av
always - aw
and - 'ue
android - umt-tho
angry - as
another - an
answer - hu (n)
any - awb
anything - bua
anywhere - bue
apologize - arc
apology - cra
appear - awc
appearance - ca
apple - caw
argue - oth
around - awch
arrive - awd
as, while - es
as, like - eidz
ask - eif
ass - vi
at - ij
attractive, cool - or
aware - and
away - cha (adj.)
Back area - zhu
bad - eij
bake - et
ball - dhaw
barn - jua
basic - uen
basket - smu
bathroom - dzei
bear, to stand - emp
beautiful - eich
beauty - spe
become - eisp
bed - gio
bed sheet - ji
bedroom - dze
before, in front of - ib
begin - ach
beginning - spei
behind - af
believe - awb
belong - ad
between - eit
beyond - ent
big - adh
bind - uj
bird - dzaw
bite - adz
blanket - claw
body - dei
boob, fool - na
book - 'a
boot - cro
boots - sti
both - aj
bottle - 'e
bowl - 'ei
box - 'i
boy - fua
bread - 'aw
break - an
breakfast - 'o
bring - iv
brother - 'io
brush - dha
bucket - cru
build - ein
building - crei
burn - eil
bush - dzue
but - cua
butter - cri
buy - izh
by, near - ab
by, at the hands of - awl
cake - crio
calender - sho
call - eisc
call, name - em
can, able - ap
canter - insind
capture - eis
car - fe
carry - eist
case - spio
cat - dhue
cause - eith
cell, room - chi
certain, sure - eiv
change - eitz
child - crue
city - cu
clean (vb.) - eiz
clear, empty - uel
clever - osc
climb - eizh
close, shut - ut
closet - haw
Cloud -bue
coat - sco
coffee - nu
cold - ej
collect - eb
comb - smi
come - en
comfortable - edh
common - ein
complete adj. - uenc
completely - dho
computer - emt-cra
construction - clio
contain - er
continue - esc
cook (v.) - es
cook (n.) - spo
cool - esp
cool, attractive - or
corn, grain - cue
corner - da
correct, right - awv
count - awz
counter - nua
cover - chio
cow - stua
cowl, hood - dhei
co-worker - pa
crack - dhi
crazy - gue
creek - dhua
crow - slo
cry - ec
cup - chue
cupboard - ci
curtain - cio
cut - ed
cute - usc
dancer - olp-wa
danger - vue
dark - ech
darkness - true
daughter - cle
day - clei
day after tomorrow - cla
day before yesterday - wo
debate - oth
deep - ed
den - gua
deny - eip
desert (sweet) - spaw
desert, leave - edz
desire (v.) - edh
desk - fu
die - ep
different - eist
dine - awp
dinner - craw
dinning room - cre
direct - awdh
Disappear - tse
dish - cho
dishwasher - scue
do - in
dog - dza
door - fa
down - bei
drain - scua
draw, pull - awf
dress, gown - baw
dresser - dho
drink (v.) - awg
drinking glass - ba
drip - uesc
drive - uc
drop (v.) - awsp
dryer - smio
dwarf - shaw
each - awm
each other - awn
ear - bi
early - bio
earth, land - bo
eat - awp
eight - uedz
elven - ilt
empty, clear - uel
end (n.) - dio
engine - chei
enough - awr
escape - isc
eternal - lio-ueb
evening - ho
every - aws
everyone - lio
everything - lua
example - ri
exit (n.) - bu
expect - awm
experience (v.) - awr
explanation - uard-zhue
eye - ce
eyelash - ilc-su
face - cha
fall - awsc
fall asleep - awsh
family - chaw
far - ach
fast - awst
fat - awt
father - che
fawcet - rio
feed - awth
feel - awtz
feeling - hi
field - hio
fill - int
find - ind
fire - due
five - if
flame - due
flash - pe
flee - otz
floor - dzu
food - sha
fool, boob - na
for - eic
forget - af
fork pu
form (v.) - ig
four - ob
from - ev
frying pan - sce
full - oc
function, run, work - odh
furious - olt
garage - le
garbage can - scio
garden - fo
gas - zue
girl - jaw
give - och
glass (drinking) - ba
glove - paw
go - od
God - sli
good - ost
grater - shu
grow - ish
hall - jo
hand - fei
happen - ost
happy - ag
hat - rei
hate - eij
have - odz
have to, must - est
he - hi
head - wa
hear - ez
heart - yi
heat food in the microwave - ueg-yu
heater - slue
heaven - tzio
her - spi
here - clu
highway - ma
hill - je
him - gei
his - ish
hit, strike - ims
home - rue
horizon - faw
hour- tzo
house - dua
how - idz
howl - ilc-im
hundred - ues
hurt - ont
I - ja
idea - hue
idiot - clo
if - clue
in - ez
in front of, before - ib
information - rua
insane - fue-ij
inside - ag
intend, mean - uez
intense - ir
into - al
invite - inc
island - pue
it (as object) - lu
it - vei
its - az
itch - sci
jump - al
just now - mi
just, only - thaw, uast
key - nue
kick - osh
king - stio
kiss - ins
kitchen - shei
knife - slaw
know - oc
lamp - sme
language - gi
last month - sna
last week - zei
last year - tue
late - ov
laugh - on
laughter - tu
laundry - snio
law - saw
lawn - ju
lead, pull - ir
leaf - spua
leave - ef
let - at
letter (of the alphabet) - nue
life - pua
light, illumination - mu
lightning - mua
like (v.) - oj
like, as - eidz
little - on
live (v.) - uep
living room - dzua
long - odh
look through - uest
Lord - smua
loud - uf
love (v.) - eim
low - uamb
lunch - tha
mad - it
magick - stei
make - ozh
man - la
many - os
mark, sign - spu
may (as in may I) - chu
maybe - wei
me - mo
mean, intend - uez
messy - ans
microwave oven - cua
mighty - otz
milk - waw
million - usp
mind - nio
minute - tei
mirror - slu
more (of adj.) - ol
more (of adv.) - thi
morning - si
most (of adj.) - ich
most (of adv.) - smo
mother - taw
motor oil - erc-du
mountain - hei
mouth - gei
move - onc
much - ub
music - za
must, have to - est
my - ep
name - ne
name, call (v.) - em
near - ef
need - os
new - og
next month - li
next week - go
next year - be
nice - er
night mue
nine - iz
no (no money, no fun) - of
no - sa
nobody - unc
not - se
nothingness - pe
now - nio
obey - osc
observe - und
off-ramp - pei
old - ash
on - eim
one - idh
one, a person - ze
onion - mio
only - osp
only just - thaw, uast
open - adh
or - mu, op
our - azh
out - eis
outer space - ort-yaw
paint - ols
pants - me
park (vb.) - ul
path - jei
pavement - clio
people - shua
perhaps - wei
person, one - ze
phone application - ort-ho
photograph - smei
picture - gu
piece - sca
pillow - di
piss (n.) - spa
place, put - uesh
plate - cei
please - eth
police - nei
possible - ac
pot - scei
press - ug
pretty - uec
printer - dhe
pristine - us
project - scaw
protect - uem
pull, draw - awf
put, place - uesh
quickly - hue
question (n.) - fa
radio - raw
railing - sma
rain - spue
raven - the
razor - snei
read - ist
ready - um
recently - fei
record (n.) - to
record (vb.) - ud
recording - to
recycling bin - scu
relax - ueg
release vb. - uns
remember - og
repair - omd
repair shop - ort-tua
resemble - ish
respect - ush
rich - oz
right, correct - awv
ring - slo
road - du
roof - gue
room, cell - chi
room, space - ste
route, way - lo
rug - fi
rule ,vb. - ord
run - ac
run, work, function - odh
sacred - uer
safe - umb
saw - law
say - eis
see - ip
seek - uets
seem - uef
self - snu
seven - ig
shadow - tra
she - dhu
shirt - law
shit - sla
shiver - asc
shoe - po
shortly - snue
should - eich
shove - uet
shower - smue
showing - ued
shut, close - ut
sick - iz
sieve - shue
silence - the
silent - omb
silverware - mei
sing - ac
sink - cli
sit - uedz
six - un
sky - sei
sleep - ir
sleep (n.) pi
slow - ueg
small - on
smart - ond
smell (v.) - ueb
snow - zua
so, then - na
soap - se
sock - ni
some - ot
something - su
son - thei
soon - di
sound - she
sound - (body of water ) - stu
soup - sle
space, room - ste
speak, talk - is
speech - sua
speed - sue
speedily - hue
spoon - no
stain - orn-ti
staircase - slei
stand (n.) - slio
stand, to bear - emp
star - tri
stew - hue
still, yet - pue
stink (v.) - ueb
stone - lei
stop - oz
store (n.) - stue
storeroom - jio
stove - 'u
strange - uch
strike, hit - ims
study - ur
stupid - isc
sudden - osh
Subject, topic - de
sun - so
supervisor, boss - re
sure, certain - eiv
surprisingly - gu
table - daw
talk, speak - is
tea - tho
telephone - pio
than - nue
thank - eit
that - eid
that (relative clause) - te
their - et
them - de
then, so - na
there - awdz
there is - ar
they - zo
thing - sta
think - esp
this - eg
thousand - oj
three - im
throne - tua
through - udz
tie - uzh
time - tro
tissue - snaw
to be (all forms and tenses) - ar
to, towards - id
today - zho
toilet - maw
tomorrow - ya
tongue - va
too, also - ats
tooth - tru
toothbrush - sne
Topic, subject - de
town - mi
translate -uej
tree - dhio
true - ist
two - il
under - ic
under (and touching) - el
understand - ech
underwear - lue
us - zu
use - ov
very (adj.) - isp
very (adv.) - dzio
vigor - lu
vomit (v.) - ic
wait - uev
walk - ab
wall - smaw
want - its
warm - uts
wash - uv
washer - smi
watch, observe - und
water - we
way, route - lo
we - staw
what - ga
when - vo
where - tre
which - wi
while, as - es
who - wue
why - tsa
wild - udh
wind - ga
window - jue
wistfully - uard-sco
with - eib
without - uth
woman - ha
wonder - ust
wood - do
woods - hua
word - dzi
work, place of work - ra
work, run, function - odh
write - us
year - gaw
yes - chua
yesterday - vu
yet - pue
you - fio
you (as object) - yo
your - it
zero - ens
In creating Gidzic words from these morphemes, only one part of the morpheme is usually used. Each morpheme is composed of two parts, the vowel sound, which is often represented by a digraph, and the consonant or consonants.
If V(V) represents any vowel sound and C(C) represents any consonant(s) then we can show the two commonest form of Gidzic words. Generally Vowels can not be next to vowels and consonants can not be next to consonants *unless* they occur that way in the morpheme. The two commonest word forms are: V(V)C(C)V(V)C(C) and C(C)V(V)C(C)V(V). The parenthesis indicate that there are not always two vowels or two consonants in a morpheme. It is perfectly acceptable to use the entire morpheme but you still must maintain the CVCVCV / VCVCVC word form. A Gidzic word can be as long as you like. Mostly however its one sentence to one Gidzic word. And REMEMBER A Gidzic word can only have ONE meaning. If you create a word that looks like a word you already have but with a different meaning, then you have to rearrange the morphemes of the newer word so it looks distinct. Have fun!
Morphemes: English to Gidzic
A person, one - ze
aback - eim
abacus - `i
able, can - ap
abandon -iob
abandonment - co
abandoned - och
about - ac
abbreviate - ued
abbreviation - dhu
abdicate - uadz
abdomen - fe
abduct - awg
abduction - hei
aberrant - ij
abeyance - lio
abhorant - olc
abide - uls
ability - ma
ablaze - emd
able-bodied - awmp
abnormal - eims
abnormality - ni
abolish - ion
abort - onc
abortion - rue
abrupt - ur
absence - sa
absent - uas
absolute - esc
absorb - awsh
abstract - eisp
abuse - ist
abusive - iot
accelerate - oth
accept - as
acceptable - uv
accepted - aw
access - yei
accessible - iz
accident - zio
accomodate - ozh
accompany - uep
accomplish - um
according to - ab
account - bua
accumulate - ec
accuracy - caw
across - am
after - asc
afternoon - zha
again - 'ua
alert to - asp
all - ast
allow - at
almost - at
alphabet - tse
already - ath
also, too - atz
although - av
always - aw
and - 'ue
android - umt-tho
angry - as
another - an
answer - hu (n)
any - awb
anything - bua
anywhere - bue
apologize - arc
apology - cra
appear - awc
appearance - ca
apple - caw
argue - oth
around - awch
arrive - awd
as, while - es
as, like - eidz
ask - eif
ass - vi
at - ij
attractive, cool - or
aware - and
away - cha (adj.)
Back area - zhu
bad - eij
bake - et
ball - dhaw
barn - jua
basic - uen
basket - smu
bathroom - dzei
bear, to stand - emp
beautiful - eich
beauty - spe
become - eisp
bed - gio
bed sheet - ji
bedroom - dze
before, in front of - ib
begin - ach
beginning - spei
behind - af
believe - awb
belong - ad
between - eit
beyond - ent
big - adh
bind - uj
bird - dzaw
bite - adz
blanket - claw
body - dei
boob, fool - na
book - 'a
boot - cro
boots - sti
both - aj
bottle - 'e
bowl - 'ei
box - 'i
boy - fua
bread - 'aw
break - an
breakfast - 'o
bring - iv
brother - 'io
brush - dha
bucket - cru
build - ein
building - crei
burn - eil
bush - dzue
but - cua
butter - cri
buy - izh
by, near - ab
by, at the hands of - awl
cake - crio
calender - sho
call - eisc
call, name - em
can, able - ap
canter - insind
capture - eis
car - fe
carry - eist
case - spio
cat - dhue
cause - eith
cell, room - chi
certain, sure - eiv
change - eitz
child - crue
city - cu
clean (vb.) - eiz
clear, empty - uel
clever - osc
climb - eizh
close, shut - ut
closet - haw
Cloud -bue
coat - sco
coffee - nu
cold - ej
collect - eb
comb - smi
come - en
comfortable - edh
common - ein
complete adj. - uenc
completely - dho
computer - emt-cra
construction - clio
contain - er
continue - esc
cook (v.) - es
cook (n.) - spo
cool - esp
cool, attractive - or
corn, grain - cue
corner - da
correct, right - awv
count - awz
counter - nua
cover - chio
cow - stua
cowl, hood - dhei
co-worker - pa
crack - dhi
crazy - gue
creek - dhua
crow - slo
cry - ec
cup - chue
cupboard - ci
curtain - cio
cut - ed
cute - usc
dancer - olp-wa
danger - vue
dark - ech
darkness - true
daughter - cle
day - clei
day after tomorrow - cla
day before yesterday - wo
debate - oth
deep - ed
den - gua
deny - eip
desert (sweet) - spaw
desert, leave - edz
desire (v.) - edh
desk - fu
die - ep
different - eist
dine - awp
dinner - craw
dinning room - cre
direct - awdh
Disappear - tse
dish - cho
dishwasher - scue
do - in
dog - dza
door - fa
down - bei
drain - scua
draw, pull - awf
dress, gown - baw
dresser - dho
drink (v.) - awg
drinking glass - ba
drip - uesc
drive - uc
drop (v.) - awsp
dryer - smio
dwarf - shaw
each - awm
each other - awn
ear - bi
early - bio
earth, land - bo
eat - awp
eight - uedz
elven - ilt
empty, clear - uel
end (n.) - dio
engine - chei
enough - awr
escape - isc
eternal - lio-ueb
evening - ho
every - aws
everyone - lio
everything - lua
example - ri
exit (n.) - bu
expect - awm
experience (v.) - awr
explanation - uard-zhue
eye - ce
eyelash - ilc-su
face - cha
fall - awsc
fall asleep - awsh
family - chaw
far - ach
fast - awst
fat - awt
father - che
fawcet - rio
feed - awth
feel - awtz
feeling - hi
field - hio
fill - int
find - ind
fire - due
five - if
flame - due
flash - pe
flee - otz
floor - dzu
food - sha
fool, boob - na
for - eic
forget - af
fork pu
form (v.) - ig
four - ob
from - ev
frying pan - sce
full - oc
function, run, work - odh
furious - olt
garage - le
garbage can - scio
garden - fo
gas - zue
girl - jaw
give - och
glass (drinking) - ba
glove - paw
go - od
God - sli
good - ost
grater - shu
grow - ish
hall - jo
hand - fei
happen - ost
happy - ag
hat - rei
hate - eij
have - odz
have to, must - est
he - hi
head - wa
hear - ez
heart - yi
heat food in the microwave - ueg-yu
heater - slue
heaven - tzio
her - spi
here - clu
highway - ma
hill - je
him - gei
his - ish
hit, strike - ims
home - rue
horizon - faw
hour- tzo
house - dua
how - idz
howl - ilc-im
hundred - ues
hurt - ont
I - ja
idea - hue
idiot - clo
if - clue
in - ez
in front of, before - ib
information - rua
insane - fue-ij
inside - ag
intend, mean - uez
intense - ir
into - al
invite - inc
island - pue
it (as object) - lu
it - vei
its - az
itch - sci
jump - al
just now - mi
just, only - thaw, uast
key - nue
kick - osh
king - stio
kiss - ins
kitchen - shei
knife - slaw
know - oc
lamp - sme
language - gi
last month - sna
last week - zei
last year - tue
late - ov
laugh - on
laughter - tu
laundry - snio
law - saw
lawn - ju
lead, pull - ir
leaf - spua
leave - ef
let - at
letter (of the alphabet) - nue
life - pua
light, illumination - mu
lightning - mua
like (v.) - oj
like, as - eidz
little - on
live (v.) - uep
living room - dzua
long - odh
look through - uest
Lord - smua
loud - uf
love (v.) - eim
low - uamb
lunch - tha
mad - it
magick - stei
make - ozh
man - la
many - os
mark, sign - spu
may (as in may I) - chu
maybe - wei
me - mo
mean, intend - uez
messy - ans
microwave oven - cua
mighty - otz
milk - waw
million - usp
mind - nio
minute - tei
mirror - slu
more (of adj.) - ol
more (of adv.) - thi
morning - si
most (of adj.) - ich
most (of adv.) - smo
mother - taw
motor oil - erc-du
mountain - hei
mouth - gei
move - onc
much - ub
music - za
must, have to - est
my - ep
name - ne
name, call (v.) - em
near - ef
need - os
new - og
next month - li
next week - go
next year - be
nice - er
night mue
nine - iz
no (no money, no fun) - of
no - sa
nobody - unc
not - se
nothingness - pe
now - nio
obey - osc
observe - und
off-ramp - pei
old - ash
on - eim
one - idh
one, a person - ze
onion - mio
only - osp
only just - thaw, uast
open - adh
or - mu, op
our - azh
out - eis
outer space - ort-yaw
paint - ols
pants - me
park (vb.) - ul
path - jei
pavement - clio
people - shua
perhaps - wei
person, one - ze
phone application - ort-ho
photograph - smei
picture - gu
piece - sca
pillow - di
piss (n.) - spa
place, put - uesh
plate - cei
please - eth
police - nei
possible - ac
pot - scei
press - ug
pretty - uec
printer - dhe
pristine - us
project - scaw
protect - uem
pull, draw - awf
put, place - uesh
quickly - hue
question (n.) - fa
radio - raw
railing - sma
rain - spue
raven - the
razor - snei
read - ist
ready - um
recently - fei
record (n.) - to
record (vb.) - ud
recording - to
recycling bin - scu
relax - ueg
release vb. - uns
remember - og
repair - omd
repair shop - ort-tua
resemble - ish
respect - ush
rich - oz
right, correct - awv
ring - slo
road - du
roof - gue
room, cell - chi
room, space - ste
route, way - lo
rug - fi
rule ,vb. - ord
run - ac
run, work, function - odh
sacred - uer
safe - umb
saw - law
say - eis
see - ip
seek - uets
seem - uef
self - snu
seven - ig
shadow - tra
she - dhu
shirt - law
shit - sla
shiver - asc
shoe - po
shortly - snue
should - eich
shove - uet
shower - smue
showing - ued
shut, close - ut
sick - iz
sieve - shue
silence - the
silent - omb
silverware - mei
sing - ac
sink - cli
sit - uedz
six - un
sky - sei
sleep - ir
sleep (n.) pi
slow - ueg
small - on
smart - ond
smell (v.) - ueb
snow - zua
so, then - na
soap - se
sock - ni
some - ot
something - su
son - thei
soon - di
sound - she
sound - (body of water ) - stu
soup - sle
space, room - ste
speak, talk - is
speech - sua
speed - sue
speedily - hue
spoon - no
stain - orn-ti
staircase - slei
stand (n.) - slio
stand, to bear - emp
star - tri
stew - hue
still, yet - pue
stink (v.) - ueb
stone - lei
stop - oz
store (n.) - stue
storeroom - jio
stove - 'u
strange - uch
strike, hit - ims
study - ur
stupid - isc
sudden - osh
Subject, topic - de
sun - so
supervisor, boss - re
sure, certain - eiv
surprisingly - gu
table - daw
talk, speak - is
tea - tho
telephone - pio
than - nue
thank - eit
that - eid
that (relative clause) - te
their - et
them - de
then, so - na
there - awdz
there is - ar
they - zo
thing - sta
think - esp
this - eg
thousand - oj
three - im
throne - tua
through - udz
tie - uzh
time - tro
tissue - snaw
to be (all forms and tenses) - ar
to, towards - id
today - zho
toilet - maw
tomorrow - ya
tongue - va
too, also - ats
tooth - tru
toothbrush - sne
Topic, subject - de
town - mi
translate -uej
tree - dhio
true - ist
two - il
under - ic
under (and touching) - el
understand - ech
underwear - lue
us - zu
use - ov
very (adj.) - isp
very (adv.) - dzio
vigor - lu
vomit (v.) - ic
wait - uev
walk - ab
wall - smaw
want - its
warm - uts
wash - uv
washer - smi
watch, observe - und
water - we
way, route - lo
we - staw
what - ga
when - vo
where - tre
which - wi
while, as - es
who - wue
why - tsa
wild - udh
wind - ga
window - jue
wistfully - uard-sco
with - eib
without - uth
woman - ha
wonder - ust
wood - do
woods - hua
word - dzi
work, place of work - ra
work, run, function - odh
write - us
year - gaw
yes - chua
yesterday - vu
yet - pue
you - fio
you (as object) - yo
your - it
zero - ens