Here is a collection of alphabetized Speed Language words. These words are all in the present tense. Included with these words are some time words and their translation.
Following the translation are the morphemes that make up the word. Each morpheme is made up of a vowel sound and a consonant sounds(s), but only one type of sound will be selected for the word, either the consonant(s) or the vowel. The selected sound will appear in bold type. Knowing this will allow the student to exchange different sounds and thereby increase his Gidzic vocabulary.
Putting a time word before the Speed Language word will change the tense of the word. This is pretty simple and will make perfect sense when you see the translations of the time words
The most helpful of these time words are:
Ath - already. Shows that the word has alread been completed.
Di - soon
Fei - recently
Mi - just now
Snue - shortly
So here is your Speed language vocabulary! This is just the beginning. There are many more useful words to come
Acho - may I go? Aj(I) CHu(may) Od(go)
Adasto - I must go to work. jA(I) iD(to) Ar(workplace) eST(must) Od(go)
Adeize - I hear that JA(I) DEI(that) ZE(hear)
Adiosto - I must go to bed. jA(I) iD(to) gIO(bed) eST(must) Od(go)
Ados - I don't like that. jA(I) eiD(that) Oj(like) Se(not)
Afethes - The far horizon draws no nearer. Ach(far) Faw(horizon) En(come) Thi(more) Ef(near) Se(not)
Ajira - i am sleeping. Aj(I) Ir(sleep) RA(am)
Ajustezei - I must clean the floor. AJ(I) DZU(floor) STE(must) ZEI(clean)
Apuedio - You can forget that Idea. Af(forget) aP(can) hUE(idea) iD(that) fIO(you)
Arfezo - They are in the car. AR(are) FE(car) eZ(in) zO(they)
Asto - i have to go. Aj(I) est(must) Od(go)
Ath - Already
Awdast - We read that book staw(we) eid(that) `a(book) ist(read)
Awna? - is there any coffee? Awb(any) Nu(coffee) Ar(there is)
Bazuar? - Is there any food in the house? B(any) A(food) Z(in) UA(house) R(there is)
Cla - day after tomorrow
Clen - come here. CLu(here) EN(come)
Cleneth - come here please. CLu(here) EN(come) eTH(please)
Cliochas - If you are not strange. CLue(if) fIO(you) uch(strange) Ar(are) Se(not)
Clusir - there are many examples here CLu(here) oS(many) IR(example) aR
Cres - Cook dinner
Dacla - that man is an idiot. eiD(that) lA(man) CLo(idiot) Ar(is)
Deistis - that is not true. DEI(that) STI(true) Se(not)
Di - soon
Dis - Don't do that. D(that) I(do) S(not)
Dimulo - Give it to me. Di(to) Mo(me) UL(it) Och(give)
Dueva - I arrive from the store. awD(arrive) stUE(store) eV(from) jA(I)
Eliben - Come this way to the exit. Eg(this) Lo(way) Id(to) Bu(exit) EN(come)
Eshegicis - Those people who speak Speed Language. E(those) SH(people)E(that)GIC (Speed Language)IS(speak)
Epalio - You can't deny it. sE(not) eiP(deny) pA(can) uL(it) fio(you)
Fei - recently
Fuspo - You make people laugh til they pee *derivation unknown*
Gadar - What is that? Ga(what) eiD(that) AR(is)
Gatsar - what time is it? Ga(what)TSo(hour)AR(is)
Giomi - what do you bring me? Ga(what) fIO(you) Mo(me) Iv(bring)
Giona - what are you doing?
Go - next week
Hegise - He doesn't speak this language
Hegose - he doesn't know this language.
Inefio - Do you see my key(s) Ip(see) Nue(key) Ep(my) FIO(you)
Cheins - check the engine CHEI(engine) oNS(observe
Iodisto - good morning to you
Ja`es - I cook breakfast Ja(I) `o(breakfast) ES(cook)
Ja`esar - I am cooking breakfast Ja(I) `o(breakfast) ES(cook) AR(am)
Jacres - I cook dinner. Ja(I) CRaw(dinner) ES(cook)
Jacresar - I am cooking dinner. Ja(I) CRaw(dinner) ES(cook) AR(am)
Jadesmod - I go to the car washer Ja(I) iD(to) fE(car) SMi(washer) OD(go)
Jaidada - I am going to work. JA(I) ID(to) rA(workplace) oD(go) Ar(am)
Jahose - I don't know the answer. JA(I) Hu(answer) Oc(know) SE(not)
Jamecrar - I'm on the computer. JA(I) eiM(on) Emt-CRa(computer) AR(am)
Japap - I eat my lunch. JA(I) Ep(my) thA(lunch) awP(eat)
Japels - I paint my car Ja(I) eP(my) fE(car) oLS(paint)
Japinugar - I'm drinking my morning coffee. JA(I) eP(my) sI(morning) NU(coffee) awG(drink) AR(am)
Jathes - I cook lunch. JA(I) THa(lunch) ES(cook)
Jathesar - I am cooking lunch JA(I) THa(lunch) ES(cook) AR(am)
Jawbilose - I don't have any clean underwear Ja(I) AWB(any) Ith(clean) Lue(underwear) Odz(have) SE(not)
Jefemd - I repair my car. Ja(I) Ep(my) FE(car) oMD(repair)
Jegim - I love my new language. Ja(I) Ep(my) oG(new) gI(language) eiM(love)
Jeiros - I don't have that information, I don't know. Ja(I) EId(that) Rua(information) Odz(have) Se(not)
Jeje - I don't like this. Ja(I) Eg(this) oJ(like) sE(not)
Juena - I'm coming home. Ja(I) rUE(home) eN(come) Ar(am)
Lanise - The man doesn't bring coffee
Li - next month
Mi - just now
Muedz - sit on the roof.
Nio - now
Nedha - Open another bottle.
Ochio - You should go.
Ofefio ? - Do you have a car? Odz(have) FE(car) FIO(you)
Omeibo - Hand me that glass.
Ozesli - They want soup
Sebapada - I can't believe that shit.
Sescapa - I can't continue
Sna - last month
Snue - shortly
Stegise - One doesn't speak language.
Steguse - One doesn't write this language.
Taso - stop being a fool/idiot
Themes - please don't leave me.
Thes - cook lunch
Thuepigidio? - Can you translate that into slow language please?
Trelar - where is it?
Tue - last year
Utawte - she bakes some bread.
Veifuar - It's on the desk.
Veizuar - It's in the living room
Vire - It's not true
Vu - yesterday
Wo - day before yesterday
Ya - tomorrow
Zegise - They don't speak this language.
Zegose - They don't know this language.
Zeguse - They don't write this language.
Zei - last week
Zhawto - Buy some bread.